Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
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217 lines
This is only an instruction to the interpreter not to the editor which is
needed to design own games.
1. Mainmenue
1.1 Start you Adventure
1.2 Quit Interpreter
1.3 Read Characters
1.4 Write Chracters
1.5 Create Characters and explenation of character facilities
1.6 Go on Game
1.7 Load Game/Adventure
1.8 Save Game
2. Keys
2.1 Outside combat/events
2.2 During combat
2.3 During examination
2.4 During events
3. Gameplay
3.1 Advancements
3.2 Healing/Ilnesses
3.3 Recovers
4. Spells
1. Mainmenue
1.1 (S)tart your Adventure
By pressing "S" you can start a new game. It is necessary that you already
have created or loaded your characters and that the actual loaded game is
a new game and not marked for continue.
1.2 shift + (Q)uit Interpreter
Leave the Interpreter - Back to DOS.
1.3 (R)read Characters
Reads the file "game:objects/demoparty" as party - this option is only a
test-option which will disapear in final versions.
1.4 (W)rite Characters
Writes the actual characters into "game:objects/demoparty" - for testing only
1.5 (C)reate Character
Will create a character by your will. You will have to enter:
-Name : May be up to 22 characters long
-Sex : Male or Female - has NO effect on the game, will only affect the
pictures shown for the character and the him/her in fight.
-Class: There are the following classes:
-Fighter&Thief: In this version totally equal in quality and use
of objects
-Magician : Spell-Caster Type I - Can cast spells defined for
his class
-Cleric : Spell-Caster Type II- Can also cast spells defined
for his class
Then a dice will roll out the other facilities - If you have a fast eye then
press any key when you think the qualities are best.
The facilities are:
Intelligence = IQ
Dexterity = DX
Wisdom = WD
Condition = CN
Strength = ST
Luck = LK
Defense normally is 1 - if the character is in Defense (Fight) then it is 2
SwordStrength is the strength of the spell with the sword-icon (add AS)
ShieldStrenght is the strength of the spell with the shield-icon (add AC)
SlowValue is defined in labdata and will cause later advancement if higher
They take influence on the following things:
Maximal Weight to carry : 15000 + (DX+CN+ST)*128 in gramm
AttackStrength (AS) : ST/2 + IQ/4 + DX/4 + LK/4 + SwordStrength
ArmourClass (AC) : CN/4 + DX/4 + LK/4 + ShieldStrength
AttackPriority (AP) : DX/8 + IQ/2 + LK/2 + ST/8 + WD/2 + CN/8
if the spell INCAP is casted on this char, add 30
Advancement : (DX + IQ/2 + LK + ST + CN + WD/2 + SlowValue)^2
if this value added to the last advencement's
experience points is higher than the actual then
the char will advance one level
Ranges : in any case where are ranges, such as spell does
100-200 points of damage a higher wisdom will
cause that the value lies more to the higher
1.6 (G)o on in current game
If you have loaded an old game or pressed ESC in Play-Mode you will continue
the game, where you have stopped
1.7 shift + (L)oad Game/New Adventure
Here you can load a new labdata file created by the editor or you can load
an old saved game to continue it.
1.8 shift + (S)save Current Game
If you have pressed ESC during game-play you may save the complete game here.
Save will include all solved riddles, automappings or removed walls!
2. Keys during Game play
2.1 Outside of Events/Fight:
(L) - List spells - Choose Class and Level to look up which spells witch
which four letter codes can be used. *DISABLED*
(C) - Cast a spell - Choose Character and enter the four letter code
Only Noncombat spells will have an effect.
(A) - Provoke an attack (only for testing) *DISABLED -> holding down will fasten attack*
(X) - Examine Character - Choose character and have a look
(1)-(5) - Examine Character directly
(ESC) - Return to the main menue (for saving etc.)
(U) - Use an object - Choose character and object
(M) - Show the Map - If the automapping cheat is on, the whole map
will appear
(?) - Show Day and time of day
(N) - New order of characters
(HELP) - Help Page (Set speeds, type of automapping and cheats)
(P) - Print Partys Position in Dungeon (absolute) (for testing only)
2.2 Key during Fight:
-Fight Menue:
(ESC) - don't fight (testing only)
(F) - Fight - start attack
(R) - Retreat - take one step (10') back - warning monsters may advance
or cast spells in this time too !
If the attack is a controlled (event) attack retreat isn't possible
(A) - Advance - take one step (10') foreward - only if 10' is free
(N) - Negociate - give money to the monsters to let you pass unharmed
(not all monsters will agree!)
(X) - Examine Character - for trade or other actions during fight
(HELP) - to e.g. speed up the scroll-speed
-During Combat (if char is asked for his action):
(A) - Attack - Intiate a weapon attack on 10' - used weapon = equipped one
Victim choosen by random
(F) - Like attack, but victim choosen by player
(D) - Defend - Will do nothing but double your basic AC until next round
(C) - Cast a spell - only for spellcasters - only combatspells will work
(U) - Use an object - Magical object - will cast a spell and have effect if
it is a combat-allowed one
Arrow - if a bow is equipped shoot ranged
Ranged weapon - Throw ranged
2.3 Keys during examination:
(T) - Trade any object to another character
(P) - Pool gold - Character will take all gold of party
(D) - Drops an object - will never be found again !!!
(X) - Examine an object
2.4 Keys during events:
As given by a text - if included you can additionally use (X) und (1)-(5)
for character examination (but this depends on the creator of the game!)
3. Gameplay
Depend very much on the created adventure
3.1 Advancement:
If characters have enough experience points (owned by fighting) thay may
advance on level.
This advancedment will add some facities ad once but will not help
learning spells or train multiple attack or deathstrikes.
Training will be done in Training Camps or Guild of Magic (the name of
these may differ in order to the definition of the game) were you have
to pay money to learn new spells/better methods of fighting.
But also this advancement requires that you have already the needed level!
3.2 Healing/Illnesses:
The Temple of Healing (or named in another way) can cure any damage you will
get in fight for money.
There are the following possibilities:
Hitpoints are not at maximum - effect: if zero you are dead
DEAD : Cannot innitiate actions that are necessary for game play
STON : Stoned - the same as DEAD but a stoned character can be beaten
(Hitpoints). If this character is dead you will have to heal death
and turn stone to flesh !
PSND : Poisoned - will substract one hitpoint in the same speed as other
characters recover hit-/spellpoints.
CONF : Confused - Cannot Fight or cast spells
NUTS : IQ,LK,WD goes down to 1
WEAK : ST,KN,DX goes down to 1
SLEP : Character is asleep, will awake if beaten or fight is over
3.3 Recovers:
Spellpoints will only recover under the light of day (towns/wilderess 7.a.m.
to 7 p.m.) by one
Hitpoints will recover any time by one-
Speed: ca. 1 point per minute or in combat one point per round !
4. Spells
Because Spells are userdefined there will be not much explanation here,
but the beta-version you have in hands lack the list-spells option so
here are the implemented spells (just testing spells of course)
MATO - Magic Torch
MFIX - Micro Fix (Heal)
CLOH - Cloak of Healing
MANE - Magic needles
SHSP - SHock Sphere
CLOD - Cloud of Death
DRBR - Dragon Breath
BASP - Batch Spell (light,compass etc.)
/ /
/ T H I S F I L E W A S L E E C H E D F R O M : /
/ /
/ --*X* I C E S T A T I O N Z E B R A *X*-- /
/ Thrill Kill Kult World HeadQuarters /
/ 5 NODES, 16.8k bps, 2 GIGABYTES ON A 50MHZ AMIGA! (206)927-5211 /